The “Quickie” Workout

I have several clients who are in amazing shape just by doing quick at-home workouts that don’t require any equipment……just themselves, their body weight, and a floor.  These  types of workouts can be done anywhere whethere it be at an office, in a hotel room while on vacation or on business travel, or outside at a local park. Remember the worst workout…… the one that doesn’t happen. No excuses….get it done!

Repeat the below circuit 2-3 times.

30 Jumping Jacks (low impact or for high impact do star jumps)

10 Push Ups (on knees or toes)

15 Burpees (flat belly – lie all the way flat to the ground at bottom)

20 Alternating Leg – Side Lunges

25 Sets Knee Highs (run fast high knees or for low impact march fast with high knees)

1 Minute Wall Sit

30 Bicycle Twists Crunches

20 Jump Squats (or for low impact raise up into calf raise lower down into a low squat)

10 Tricep Push-Ups (on knees or toes)

30 C-crunches (low impact) or  V-Crunches (high impact)

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